Alectoris Barbara Bird

Alectoris Barbara Bird

Alectoris Barbara Bird

English Name:  Barbary Partridge
Latin Name:  Alectoris barbara
Protonym:  Perdix Barbara Tabl.Encyc.Meth.Orn. 1 p.208 pl.94 fig.2
Taxonomy:  Galliformes / Phasianidae / Alectoris
Taxonomy Code:  barpar2
Type Locality:  No type locahty given = Morocco, ex Edwards, pi. 70.
Author:  Bonnaterre
Publish Year:  1790
IUCN Status:  Least Concern


(Phasianidae; Ϯ Barbary Partridge A. barbara) Gr. αλεκτορις alektoris, αλεκτοριδος alektoridos  hen, chicken  < αλεκτωρ alektōr, αλεκτορος alektoros  cockerel; "1. Perdix petrosa.  ...  1. Klipphuhn.  Alectoris *).  (Perdix petrosa).  E[ntwickelung]. Wie gewöhnlich.   Ch[arakter]. Feldhühner mit . . .federigem Schwanz, deren Männchen während der Begattungszeit kleine Höcker an den Tarsen bekommen.   L[ebensart]. Es lebt auf den steinigen Gebirgen des südlichen Europa's, und gleicht in seiner Lebensart sehr dem Steinhuhn.   ...  *) Aλεκτορις, Huhn.  ...  Vierte Ordnung. Gallinaceae.  ...  151. Alectoris (P. petrosa)." (Kaup 1829); "Alectoris Kaup, Skizz. Entw.-Gesch. Eur. Thierw., 1829, p. 180, 193. Type, by monotypy, Perdix petrosa auct. not of Gmelin = Perdix barbara Bonnaterre." (Peters 1934, II, p. 62).
Var. Alectornis.     
Synon. Caccabis, Chacura, Chauvireria, Erythropus, Lambrechtia, Palaeocryptonyx, Pliogallus, Plioperdix, Proalector, Pyctes, Rufipes.

The Barbary Coast was a term used by Europeans for those coastal regions of North Africa from Morocco to Libya inhabited by Berbers and home to the pirates and slavers, nominally under Ottoman protection, who preyed on shipping in the Mediterranean and near Atlantic.  Their reign of terror was finally brought to an end by European and US navies at the beginning of the 19th century (see barbarus).
● Inferred TL. Morocco; "LA PERDRIX ROUGE DE BARBARIE.  3.  P. Barbara.  ...  Edw. av. tab. 70." (Bonnaterre 1792); "The RED-LEGG'D PARTRIDGE, from Barbary  ...  A Pair of these Birds were sent to me alive by my good Friend, Mr. Thomas Rawlings, Merchant, residing at Santa Cruz, in that Part of Barbary which lies without the Streights of Gibraltar, on the Atlantic Ocean." (Edwards 1747) (Alectoris).
● TL. Kasserine, Tunisia (subsp. Petronia petronia).
● see barbaru (syn. Streptopelia vinacea).


Barbary Partridge (koenigi)
Latin Name: Alectoris barbara koenigi
● Prof. Alexander Ferdinand Koenig (1858-1940) German zoologist, collector, sponsor of collecting expeditions, founder of Mus. Alexander Koenig, Bonn 1934 (subsp. Alectoris barbara, syn. Apus affinis galilejensis, subsp. Dendropicos goertae, syn. Fringilla coelebs africana, syn. Garrulus glandarius cervicalis, subsp. Lanius excubitor, syn. Oenanthe lugens halophila, syn. Picus vaillantii, subsp. Psittacara acuticaudatus, subsp. Sylvia atricapilla, subsp. Troglodytes troglodytes).
● Prof. Dr Claus König (b. 1931) German ornithologist (subsp. Sicalis pelzelni).

Barbary Partridge (barbara)
Latin Name: Alectoris barbara barbara
The Barbary Coast was a term used by Europeans for those coastal regions of North Africa from Morocco to Libya inhabited by Berbers and home to the pirates and slavers, nominally under Ottoman protection, who preyed on shipping in the Mediterranean and near Atlantic.  Their reign of terror was finally brought to an end by European and US navies at the beginning of the 19th century (see barbarus).
● Inferred TL. Morocco; "LA PERDRIX ROUGE DE BARBARIE.  3.  P. Barbara.  ...  Edw. av. tab. 70." (Bonnaterre 1792); "The RED-LEGG'D PARTRIDGE, from Barbary  ...  A Pair of these Birds were sent to me alive by my good Friend, Mr. Thomas Rawlings, Merchant, residing at Santa Cruz, in that Part of Barbary which lies without the Streights of Gibraltar, on the Atlantic Ocean." (Edwards 1747) (Alectoris).
● TL. Kasserine, Tunisia (subsp. Petronia petronia).
● see barbaru (syn. Streptopelia vinacea).

Barbary Partridge (spatzi)
Latin Name: Alectoris barbara spatzi
spatzi / spatzii
Paul Wilhelm Heinrich Spatz (1865-1942) German natural history dealer, oologist, collector in the Sahara and North Africa (syn. Alcedo atthis, subsp. Alectoris barbara, syn. Certhia brachydactyla, syn. Charadrius alexandrinus, subsp. Ptyonoprogne obsoleta, syn. Saxicola rubetra, subsp. Struthio camelus).

Barbary Partridge (barbata)
Latin Name: Alectoris barbara barbata
L. barbatus  bearded  < barba  beard (e.g. distinctive throat patch; moustachial or beard-like markings; puffy or elongated throat feathers; lengthy or numerous rictal bristles) (see barbatus).
● "die Kehlfedern sind auffallend lang  ...  Da über die Herkunft keine sicheren Nachrichten vorliegen, so kann zunächst nur durch diese kurze Beschreibung auf die eigentümliche Form aufmerksam gemacht werden, die ich ihrer langen Kehlfedern wegen mit C. barbata bezeichnen möchte." (Reichenow 1896) (subsp. Alectoris barbara).
● "E merita speciale considerazione il mento pennuto  ...  Per questi motivi io credo di possedere il tipo di una specie non ancora descritta, alla quale attribuisco il nome di G. barbata, considerando più importante di ogni altro carattere quello del mento pennuto." (Ghigi 1905) (subsp. Guttera edouardi).
● “Similar to Penelope argyrotis Bonap. but much darker throughout, the chin and upper throat feathered, wholly concealing the skin” (Chapman 1921) (Penelope).
● "Str. capite lævi, rostro iridibusque flavis, corpore cinereo, gula regioneque periophthalmica atris, remige sesquialtera serrata." (Latham 1790) (syn. Strix nebulosa lapponica).