Odontoglossum Description & Cultivation
English name: Odontoglossum
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Odontoglossum, genus of some 150 species of orchids (family Orchidaceae) that are primarily native to mountainous areas of tropical America. Many Odontoglossum species and hybrids are cultivated for their showy long-lasting flowers and are considered fairly easy to grow. In addition, a number of orchids of other genera have been crossed with species of Odontoglossum to obtain novel hybrid flowers.
Most Odontoglossum species are epiphytic, though some are terrestrial. Each large pseudobulb (swollen stem) has leaflike bracts at the base and bears one or more leaves. The flowers are borne on a spike that arises from the base of the pseudobulbs and vary greatly in colour and marking. The flowers usually have ruffled sepals and two toothlike structures on the central labellum (modified petal). The plants grow well in warm humid conditions with well-draining soil or substrate.