Nisaetus Philippensis Bird

Nisaetus Philippensis Bird

Nisaetus Philippensis Bird

English Name:  Philippine Hawk-Eagle
Latin Name:  Nisaetus philippensis
Protonym:  Spizaetus Philippensis BirdsAsia[Gould] 1 pt15 textpl.10
Taxonomy:  Accipitriformes / Accipitridae / Nisaetus
Taxonomy Code:  phihae1
Type Locality:  Philippines; Luzon, suggested as type locality by Swann, Syn. Accip., ed. 2, 1922, p. 121. [Tydc in Norwich Museum].
Author:  Gould
Publish Year:  1863
IUCN Status:  Endangered


(Accipitridae; Ϯ Mountain Hawk Eagle N. nipalensis) Genus Nisus de Lacépède, 1799, hawk; Gr. αετος aetos  eagle; "Genus Nisactus, (mihi.)  The birds of this genus are distinguished by wings and tail formed upon the accipitrine model; but their nares are transverse and speculated as in the eagles. Their festooned bills have a form which is osculant between the hawks and buzzards. They have the long slender plumed tarsi of Limnæetus, and the long, acute, and unequal talons of the noblest hawks and falcons, to which moreover they assimilate in their manners, adhering exclusively to the wilds, and killing their own prey, which consists of pigeons, jungle fowls, and partridges.   Species Nipalensis, mihi" (Hodgson 1836) (see Tolmaetus).
Var. Nisactus (original spelling), Nisaetos.
Synon. Necrastur.

philippense / philippensis
Philippine Is. (Felipina, an early name (1543) given to the island of Leyte in honour of the Infante Felipe (Philip) of Spain, later Philip II (1527–1598: reigned 1556–1598)).
● ex “Rubetra philippensis major” of Brisson 1760, “Grand traquet des Philippines” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 185, fig. 2, and de Buffon 1770-1786, and “Traquet de Manille” of Salerne 1767 (syn. Agropsar philippensis).
ex “Rasle rayé des Philippines” of Brisson 1760 (Hypotaenidia).
● ex “Petite Grive des Philippines” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Philippine Thrush” of Latham 1783 (syn. Ixos philippinus).
● ex “Perruche des Philippines” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 520 (Loriculus).
● ex “Bucco philippensis” of Brisson 1760 (syn. Megalaima haemacephala).
● (Statius Müller 1776) ex “Merle solitaire des Philippines” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 339 (subsp. Monticola solitarius).
● (Boddaert 1783) ex “Merle solitaire des Philippines” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 339 (syn. Monticola solitarius philippensis).
● ex “Pélican des Philippines” of Brisson 1760, and “Philippine Pelican” of Latham 1785 (Pelecanus).
● ex “Merle des Philippines” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 89 (syn. Pitta sordida).
● Erroneous TL. Philippine Is. (= Cayenne); ex “Cancrophagus philippensis” of Brisson 1760, “Crabier des Philippines” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 898, “Petit Crabier” of de Buffon 1770-1786, and “Philippine Heron” of Latham 1785 (syn. Zebrilus undulatus).
● ex “Moucherolle des Philippines” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Philippine Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (unident.).