Ulmaceae Description & Major Species
English name: Ulmaceae
Sub Title:
Ulmaceae, the elm family (order Rosales), with 6–7 genera of about 45 species of trees and shrubs, distributed primarily throughout temperate regions. Several members of the family are cultivated as ornamental plants, and some are important for their wood.
Physical description
Members of the family are deciduous or evergreen and characteristically have watery sap. The simple leaves are borne alternately along the stem, usually have toothed edges, and often are lopsided at the base. The small flowers lack petals and can be bisexual or unisexual. Male and female flowers are borne together or apart on the same plant. The fruit is a samara.
Major genera and species

The genus Ulmus, the elms, contains about 35 species of shade and ornamental trees. Some of the six species of trees and shrubs in the Eurasian genus Zelkova are also planted as ornamentals. Members of both genera are also used as timber trees.
The planer tree, or water elm (Planera aquatica), of southeastern North America, produces useful timber known as false sandalwood. It is the only member of its genus.
Thorn-elm (Hemiptelea davidii) is the sole member of its genus and is native to Asia. Members of the genus Holoptelea are found in Asia and Africa and are used locally as medicinal plants.
Ampelocera and Phyllostylon are largely rainforest trees found in South and Central America.